Blog Archive

Friday, October 12, 2018

Day Eighteen: The Shirt Off My Back

So yes we slept in late on this last day in Paris. Well till 9:00 Am. then lazed around and did my blog, showered, and set out around 11:30 am for coffee and croissants. Our goal today was the Marche de la rouge l'anfants. Known also as the oldest covered market in Paris and so named because of the orphans dressed in red who used to beg at the market. Well let me say  it was a long walk but past some nice and not so nice sites. we walked by the site where Charlie Hebdo was murdered as well as the French Police officer who just happened to be there. So sad.

The market is a small fish market with more stalls as restaurants than a market. But we did find a nice place to eat. We also passed a shop owned by one of Linda's relatives, though they really didn't seem to know one another..

 Park along the way had exercise equipment.
 A nice church tucked away in Paris.
 Inside the Marche de Rouge L'Enfants.
 The corner where we ate.
 Dining Parisian style. So Nice

 What a great display of mushrooms. Can you find the little figures?
 Who wouldn't want to buy these tomatoes?
Another view of the Market.

Linda at her unknown relative's Italian food shop in Paris.

So we begin our walk back to the hotel, stopping many times for both drinks and to find a place for a reasonable woman's hair cut in Paris. Let me tell you, drinks are much easier to find.

 Who knew that Husqvarna made motoer cycles. I thought they only made chain saws.
 Colonade at the Place de Bastille. They tore down the Bastille long ago with it's remains sent touring around France. Now there is a beautiful Opera House on the plaza.
 So in France, you can charge your phone while waiting to catch a bus.
 I thought Michael would like this poster
 Pidgeons enjoying the water used to keep Paris streets clean everyday.
View from our 5th floor window.

Cafe on the corner of our street where we often ed had afternoon drinks. It is also the place I left my shirt today. Now this shirt is my go to wardrobe for Europe. It is a shirt. A Jacket. A hider of other shirt stains. It is long sleeved but can be buttoned up to short sleeves. An all around piece of clothing given to me one Christmas from Candice and Gary. Luckily I realized I had left it there a couple hours later and when I went back, they had it hanging up waiting for me.

Tonight is our last night in Paris as well as Jessica's. So we met her in the section she was staying in for a nice dinner.  What a nice section. We enjoy our last meal in Paris, until the next time. We promise to meet in Paris again.

 My Lamb
 Jessica's fish
 My lovelies smiling
What Mary Ann really feels about pictures.
Until we meet again in Paris.

Tomorrow Reims and Champagne and then Luxembourg.

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