Ceiling above our bed.
Living room.
View out one Living room window. We are almost on top of the highest hill. Also how not to take care of your roof in the house across the alley.
Comfortable reading while the laundry gets done.
The steps leading down to our apartments street.
Further down we go.
Our apartment.
Inside hallway.
Above the courtyard.
Our bedroom.
Apartment across from us. Neat walls.
Inside the Cathedral.
Another processional alter. Once owned by Queen Isabella of Spain.
The choir's seats
More detail.
The main alter. Notice the size of the people in front of it.
A painting that must be over 40 feet tall.
Behind the alter.
Looking down the length of it.
So we are now hungry. The first restaurant we stop at has a nasty waiter and high prices so we leave and go next door to this family run restaurant that is just our style.
Deciding what to order.
Families eating lunch.
My bean soup for starters.
Linda's local soup.
The streets of Toledo.
On our way to an old Mosque.
An old gate.
The old Mosque. It really isn't very big and in fact the central part of it had a big crucifix hanging there.
But the view from the city wall was very nice.
I picked up some bread and croissants for breakfast for tomorrow. I also managed to pick up some more blood pressure medication that I had ran out of. A nice thing here is that if you have your empty medicine bottle, they will sell you more. A months supply cost 21.00 Euros. Now why are they so expensive in the USA?
I then happened by the Halloween celebration taking place in the olde town Toledo towne square. There was a band and a few people dressed up, as well as priests and clergy that had things for the young children to do. Low keyed but nice.
The Band playing in the square
One of their songs.
I went home and just laid around. Part of the time I sat at our second story window and watched people pass below at the intersection of 4 alleyways. Signs of the time are that I only saw one person with a map. Everyone else either knew where they were going, or had their phone out in front of them following either Goggle Maps or Apple Maps. Have done the same myself.
All three of us managed to get dressed and go out to brave the cold weather. It was 52 degrees. Short cut to the fore mentioned square and we find that most of the restaurants are sort of fast food. Since it is so cold (The restaurants supply gas heaters outside) we decide to eat in. Now this shows you we have been away too long. Mary Ann and Linda have fried eggs and french fries while I have a Cheese Burger. Everything was oh so good. Mary Ann and I did manage to do in a liter of Sangria. No food pictures from there. We go back to the Apartment, and retire for the night. But not before having some chocolate and almond candy picked up earlier at the market.
Yes there were some poeple dressed up for Halloween. Mostly teenagers and some with painted faces as in the USA.
So just before I am going to bed, I look out the window and the Cathedral is all lit up for this Holy Day.
There are no words to describe this sight.