Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Amalfi and Positano. June 22nd

Today its Amalfi and Positano. We are staying 2.4 kilometers from Amalfi. One might think that is close. But it takes 40 minutes by bus. Or you can walk down to it in about 2 1/2 hours. Luckily, my hiking partner Renai thought the bus would be better so that is what we did. Talk about a wild ride. Now I have driven this same road just two weeks ago, but driving it doesn't  give one an opportunity to see how high up you really are. Add to that the increased height of a bus and it is a wild ride. Bryan who does not like heights will second that.
We arrive in Amalfi and head for the ferry to Positano. With an 1 1/2 hour wait, we go to the restaurant we were at 2 weeks ago and have a nice light lunch. Then onto the ferry and Positano to swim.

 View from our room.

 Part of the ride down.

Look closely. Men drilling on side of mountain. 

 Leaving Amalfi. 

 On the Ferry.

Renai's family in Positano.

After a nice swim and some drinks and gelato it is time to go back to Amalfi.  Since we are going back over the mountain tomorrow to get to Pompei, I hire a cab to take us back.  Mary Ann and Annie decide to take the ferry.  We walk to the top of Positano and finally get a cab at a fair price.  He tries to hit on Kirsten till he finds out she is 14. It is a nice ride but I think the bus up and down the mountain is more thrilling.
Speaking of which, we meet back in Amalfi, get on the bus and the heat is stuck on. By the time we get back to Agirola we are hot and exhausted. We eat at a local pizza shop, ignoring the very loud American and Australian couples, go home and pack and to bed.  Renai finishes her book.

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